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  • .B44131 IH 756 WF open station
    .B44131 IH 756 WF open station

    Ertl Britains schaal 1:32 International Harvester tractor scale 1/32 wide front traktor

    € 59,53
  • B0001 Sampo Rosenlew 3065
    B0001 Sampo Rosenlew 3065

    1/32 - 1:32 Sampo Rosenlew Combine

    € 50,39
  • B00066 JD 4430
    B00066 JD 4430

    Ertl 1/32 John Deere Tractor

    No. 66, 1:32 Sound-Idea Traktor

    with soudn-Gard Body

    € 59,39
  • B00222 CIH 4894
    B00222 CIH 4894

    Ertl 1985, 1:32 Case International Harvester Tractor

    No. 222, 1/32 4 Wheel Drive Traktor

    Ertl 1995, 1/16 Case International Harvester Tractor

    No. 291, 1:16 Axial Flow Combine

    Model Specifications:

    - Rubber Tires


    € 53,09
  • B00256 Steiger Cougar 1000
    B00256 Steiger Cougar 1000

    Ertl, 1/32 Special Edition Tractor

    No. 256, 1:32 Four-Wheel Drive Tractor

    Model Specifications

    - Rubber Tires

    - Turnable front wheels

    - 3 Point Rear Hitch

    - Quality Die-Cast Metal

    - Articulated Steering

    - Oscillating…

    € 83,29
  • B00257 CIH 2294
    B00257 CIH 2294

    Ertl 1988, 1:32 Case International Tractor

    No. 257, 1/32 Traktor

    Model Specifications

    - Deep Lugged Tires

    - Turnable front wheels

    - 3 Point Rear Hitch

    - Quality Die-Cast Metal

    € 35,09
  • B00261 CIH 2294
    B00261 CIH 2294

    Ertl 1/32 Case International Harvester Tractor

    No. 261, Case Traktor with Cab

    Model Specifications

    - Deep Lugged Tires

    - Turnable front wheels

    - Implement Hich

    € 49,09
  • B00262 Case 4894
    B00262 Case 4894

    Ertl 1/32 Case Tractor

    No. 262, 4-Wheel Drive Traktor

    Model Specifications

    - Quality Die-Cast Metal

    - Deep Lugged Tires

    - Oscillating Rear Axle

    - Crab Steering

    - Tinted Window

    - Implemented Hitch

    € 62,99
  • B00265 CIH 2294
    B00265 CIH 2294

    Ertl 1995 ,1:32 Case International Harvester Tractor

    No. 265, 1/32 Front Wheel Drive Assist Traktor

    € 29,69
  • B00313 Ford NH 8670
    B00313 Ford NH 8670

    Ertl 1993, 1/32 Ford New Holland Tractor

    No. 313, 1:32 Traktor

    Model Specifications:

    - Die Cast Metal Construction

    - Free Rolling Wheels

    - Hitch For 1/32 Scale Implements

    - Steerable

    - Cab

    € 37,91
  • B00405 IH Mini-Tractor
    B00405 IH Mini-Tractor

    Ertl 1/32 International Harvester Tractor

    No. 405, 1:32 Traktor

    € 29,69
  • B00427A CIH 5120
    B00427A CIH 5120

    Ertl 1989, 1:32 Case International Harvester Tractor

    No. 427A, 1/32 Mechanical Front Drive Traktor

    Special Edition, Case IH Maxxum

    Model Specifications

    - Steerable Front End

    - Rubber Tires

    - Highly detailed quality die-cast…

    € 44,99
  • B00452 CIH Maxxum 5240
    B00452 CIH Maxxum 5240

    Ertl 1996, 1:32 Case International Harvester Tractor

    No. 452, 1/32 Traktor

    € 35,59
  • B00452BN CIH Maxxum 5240
    B00452BN CIH Maxxum 5240

    Ertl 1/32 Case International Harvester Tractor

    No. 452BN, 1:32 Traktor

    € 32,89
  • B00529  JD 7410
    B00529 JD 7410

    Ertl 1996, 1:32 John Deere Tractor

    No. 529, 1/32 Plastic MFWD Traktor

    € 29,52
  • B00669 CIH 4994 + Wagon - Battery Operated
    B00669 CIH 4994 + Wagon - Battery Operated

    Ertl 1989, 1/32 Case International Tractor

    No. 669, 1:32 4WD Traktor and Wagon Set

    Model Specifications :

    - Includes 4 - AA Batteries

    - Working Tractor P.T.O. Powers Barge Wagon

    - Forward and Reverse

    - Fee Wheeling


    € 79,19
  • B01635 JD 3140
    B01635 JD 3140

    Britains 1/32 John Deere Tractor

    No. 1635, 1:32 Traktor

    Model Specifications:

    - Highly Detailed All-Wheather Cab

    - Free Rolling Deep Lugged Rubber Tires

    - Steerable Auxiliary Front Wheel Drive

    € 69,79
  • B01637 Case 4890
    B01637 Case 4890

    Ertl 1:32 4-Wheel Drive Tractor

    No. 1637, 1/32 Traktor

    Model Specifications

    - Deep Lugged rubber Tires

    - Oscillating Rear Axle

    - Crab Steering

    - Tinted Window

    - Implement Hitch

    € 72,19
  • B01638 CIH 784
    B01638 CIH 784

    Ertl 1/32 International Harvester Tractor

    No. 1638, 1:32 Four Wheel Drive Traktor

    Model Specifications

    - Authentic Four Wheel dirive replica

    - Deep Ribbed Traction Tires

    - Front Wheels Steer

    € 59,99
  • B01691A MF 4880
    B01691A MF 4880

    Ertl 1/32 Massey Ferguson Tractor

    No. 1691, 1:32 4-Wheel Drive Tractor

    Model Specifications:

    - Articulated Frame

    - Oscillating movement

    - Highly Detailed Engine

    - Free Rolling, Wide Traction Tires

    € 107,09
  • B01692 Case 2290
    B01692 Case 2290

    Ertl 1/32 Tractor

    No. 1692 1:32

    Model Specifications

    - Deep Lugged rubber Tires

    - Turnable Front Wheels

    - Detailed Engine

    - Implement Hitch

    € 39,59
  • B01925 Steiger Panther ST310
    B01925 Steiger Panther ST310

    Ertl 1/32 4-Wheel Drive Tractor

    No. 1:32 Traktor

    Model Specifications

    - Deep Lugged rubber Tires

    - Highly Detailed Designd

    - Articulated Frame

    - Quality Die-Cast Metal

    - Authentic decals

    - Oscillating Movement

    € 98,09
  • B01930 Steiger Cougar III ST251
    B01930 Steiger Cougar III ST251

    Ertl 1:32 4-Wheel Drive Tractor

    No. 1930, 1/32 Traktor

    Model Specifications

    - Deep Lugged rubber Tires

    - Highly Detailed Designd

    - Articulated Frame

    - Quality Die-Cast Metal

    - Authentic decals

    - Oscillating Movement

    € 98,09
  • B04503  CIH Pickup
    B04503 CIH Pickup

    Ertl 1/32 Case Inernational Harvester Pickup

    No. 4503 Farm Country Big Farm Pickup

    - Free Rolling wheels

    - Hitch for 1/32 scale implements

    - Die-Cast Metal

    € 17,99
  • B04616 McCormick Farmall 350
    B04616 McCormick Farmall 350

    Ertl 1992, 1/32 McCormick Tractor

    No. 4616, 1:32 Farmall Traktor

    Model Specifications

    - Steerable Front End

    - Rubber Tires

    - Highly detailed quality die-cast Metal

    € 29,91
  • B05066 CIH Farm Set
    B05066 CIH Farm Set

    Ertl 1/32 Case International Harvester Farm Set

    No. 5066, 1:32 CIH 784 Tractor + Wagon + Plow

    € 116,59
  • B05163 JD 6210 + Loader
    B05163 JD 6210 + Loader

    Ertl 1997, 1:32 John Deere Traktor

    No. 5163, 1/32 MFWD Traktor

    € 38,69
  • B05512 JD 3140
    B05512 JD 3140

    Ertl 1:32 , John Deere Tractor

    No. 5512, 1/32 Utility Traktor

    € 49,99
  • B05537 JD 3140
    B05537 JD 3140

    Ertl 1/32 John Deere Tractor

    No. 5537, 1:32 Utility Traktor

    Model Specifications

    - Steerable Front End

    - Rubber Tires

    - Highly detailed quality die-cast Metal

    - 3 Point Rear Hitch

    € 49,99
  • B05580 JD 3350
    B05580 JD 3350

    Ertl 1988, 1:32 John Deere Tractor

    No. 5580, 1/32 Traktor

    Model Specifications:

    - Rubber Tires

    - Front Wheel Drive

    - Authentic John Deere Decals

    - Quality Die-Cast Metal

    € 43,19
  • B09527FD Fiat 880DT
    B09527FD Fiat 880DT

    Britains 1:32 Tractor

    No. 9527FD, 1/32 Traktor

    Box is slightly Damaged

    € 89,99
  • B09575 NH TR85 Combine
    B09575 NH TR85 Combine

    Britains 1/32 New Holland Combine

    No. 9575, 1:32 Combine Harvester minder mooie doos

    Model Specificications

    - Lifting and Rotating Blades

    - Swivelling Grain chute

    € 129,00 € 99,93
  • B09582 Flatbed Transporter
    B09582 Flatbed Transporter

    Britains 1/32 Truck

    No. 9582 , 1:32 Deutz

    € 69,29

    B13766 Ford 7600
    B13766 Ford 7600

    Britains schaal 1:32 tractor scale 1/32 traktor

    € 38,90 € 33,99

    B13897 NH T8.435 + rups
    B13897 NH T8.435 + rups

    Britains New Holland tractor schaal 1:32 Britains 1/32 Traktor/Trecker

    € 69,90 € 49,98
  • B13973 NH. CR 9.90 combine + duals
    B13973 NH. CR 9.90 combine + duals

    Ertl Britains schaal 1:32 New Holland combine scale 1/32 traktor

    € 139,44
  • B14763A  CIH Steiger 535HD
    B14763A CIH Steiger 535HD

    Ertl 2010, 1:32 Case International Harvester Tractor

    No. 14763A, 1/32 Traktor

    2010 Farm Show

    € 98,09
  • B14861 CIH Steiger 350 rowtrack '13
    B14861 CIH Steiger 350 rowtrack '13

    Britains Case International Harvester tractor schaal 1:32

    2013 Farm Show model Britains 1/32 Traktor/Trecker

    € 72,72

    B14940 CIH Magnum 340CVT rowtrac
    B14940 CIH Magnum 340CVT rowtrac

    Britains tractor schaal 1:32 Britains 1/32 Traktor/Trecker

    € 74,90 € 49,98
  • B14942 IH 1468 WF white cab
    B14942 IH 1468 WF white cab

    Britains tractor schaal 1:32 Britains 1/32 Traktor/Trecker

    € 59,52
  • B14998 CIH Steiger 580
    B14998 CIH Steiger 580

    Britains Case International Harvester tractor schaal 1:32 Britains 1/32 Traktor/Trecker dubbellucht

    € 79,50 € 59,52
  • B14999 Farmall 806 WF
    B14999 Farmall 806 WF

    Britains tractor schaal 1:32 Britains 1/32 Traktor/Trecker

    € 44,42
  • B15613  JD Waterloo Boy
    B15613 JD Waterloo Boy

    Ertl Britains 2004, 1/32 John Deere Tractor

    No. 15613, 1:32 Traktor

    Model specificications

    - Die-Cast Metal

    - Authentic Detialing

    - Compatible with 1:32 Implements

    € 39,52
  • USA

    B16277 Versatile 610 4WD
    B16277 Versatile 610 4WD

    Britains schaal 1:32 dubbellucht tractor scale 1/32 traktor duals

    € 76,00

    B16296 Massey Ferguson 5613
    B16296 Massey Ferguson 5613

    Britains Ertl tractor 1:32 schaal ERTL 1/32 Traktor

    € 29,90 € 14,99

    B16297 MF 6616
    B16297 MF 6616

    Britains schaal 1:32 Massey Ferguson tractor scale 1/32 traktor + voorlader

    € 49,90 € 26,98
  • B40545  JD 5410
    B40545 JD 5410

    Britains 1/32 John Deere Tractor

    No. 40545 Traktor

    € 35,09
  • B44066 NH T7.315
    B44066 NH T7.315

    Burago 1:32 New Holland Tractor

    No. 44066, 1/32 Traktor

    € 17,99
  • B44199 IH 1066 WF 5.000.000
    B44199 IH 1066 WF 5.000.000

    Ertl Britains schaal 1:32 International Harvester tractor scale 1/32 wide front 5 millionth traktor

    € 59,53
  • B44271 IH.Farmall 856 duals
    B44271 IH.Farmall 856 duals

    Ertl Britains schaal 1:32 Case International Harvester tractor scale 1/32 traktor

    € 49,94
  • B44272 IH.1466 2wd duals
    B44272 IH.1466 2wd duals

    Ertl Britains schaal 1:32 Case International Harvester tractor scale 1/32 traktor

    € 58,93
  • B44287 IH.1486 2wd+ cab.
    B44287 IH.1486 2wd+ cab.

    Ertl Britains schaal 1:32 Case International Harvester tractor scale 1/32 traktor

    € 66,23
  • B44316 IH 1086 Duals
    B44316 IH 1086 Duals

    Ertl Britains schaal 1:32 Case International Harvester tractor scale 1/32 traktor

    € 73,53
  • B44317 CIH.Steiger 620 Prestige
    B44317 CIH.Steiger 620 Prestige

    Ertl Britains schaal 1:32 Case International Harvester tractor scale 1/32 traktor

    € 74,94
  • B44318 Steiger Cougar IV KM-280
    B44318 Steiger Cougar IV KM-280

    Ertl britains schaal 1:32 Case International harvester tractor 1/32 traktor Prestige collection

    € 73,94
  • B44320 CIH.combine AFS.connect 9250
    B44320 CIH.combine AFS.connect 9250

    with tracks Ertl Britains schaal 1:32 Case International Harvester combine scale 1/32 traktor

    € 139,44
  • B44322 IH.3788 duals
    B44322 IH.3788 duals

    Ertl Britains schaal 1:32 Case International Harvester tractor scale 1/32 traktor

    € 104,44
  • B45275A John Deere 8270R
    B45275A John Deere 8270R

    2010 Farm Show limited edition

    Ertl/​Britains JD tractor 1:32 schaal Britains 1/32 Traktor

    € 129,92
  • B45309 JD 9560R Prestige
    B45309 JD 9560R Prestige

    Britains John Deere tractor schaal 1:32 Britains 1/32 Traktor/Trecker

    € 109,94
  • B45519 JD Z930M maaier
    B45519 JD Z930M maaier

    Britains ERTL zero turn mower Schaal 1:32 Tomy ERLT maaimachine scale 1/32 die-cast metal replica

    € 19,99
    1 - 60 van 89 resultaten
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